alright, finally caught the movie Avatar after around 2weeks since it was released.

The movie was much-hyped when it was given rave reviews after its world premiere featuring ground-breaking special effects and an epic storyline.
I watched the movie in 3D and i gotta admit that the graphics were really damm good and the music in the movie suits it really well.
The storyline of how humans tried to take over/ possess something through force truly reflects the ugliness of our human nature and how greed often blinds us, leading to our destruction.
The fact that James Cameron had created an entire new world with the race of the Na`vi was also amazing itself. The planet of Pandora has its own ecosystem, the wildlife is realli unique although there are similarities from the animals of our world. The director paid attention to even the smallest detail, breathing in life into this world that he created. The language of the Na`vi were also amazingly believeable and did not sound like just gibberish.
Truly, this movie is one of the best films ever released for the year 2009 or even for the past 5 years. I rate it 4.5 out of 5. Its worth the ticket price. Trust me. (:
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ ..
remind me not to go out to catch a movie when every poly, jc, primary sch, sec sch and uni are having their holidays. omgg.
life in office this week was a breeze. totally glad of that. ((:
i'm on leave tmr which is totally great. hahaa. gonna go swim and tan.
been playing around with the d100 and seems like i need alot more practice. tskk.
and did i mention that i'm loving my mac? heheheheh.
playing around with the cam in the loo.
alright. this blog urgently needs an update so i shall kindly post up one. hahah to whoever's still out there reading it, that is. u ppl surely can't guess where i'm blogging from.
and i freaking missing zoukout too. although i dun think i will have permission to go anyway..oh wells.
the little updates in my life shall be that i'm assigned 4 guard duties this month. 4 f-ing guard duties. like wtf? i din even sign extra duhhh? screw that planner. u know who you are.
on the plus side though, i got myself a MACBK. MAC is awwwwwwwwe-some. ((: anddd. my uncle decided to lend me his DSLR!! how cool can that be? although its a pretty old model, (nikon d100, 6 megapixels) it will suffice. The photos i've taken so far are not so bad at all. shall start to spam this blog with photos sooon. ((:
stay tuned ppl. till next time. (((: