im going crazy doing my report for the damn attachment. Waliew!! what a fucked up saturday seriously. i should be out at town shopping hands in hands with baby but screw all these shit seriously. and school's on mon till 4pm booo!! :((

miss u little cute one :)
baby! pls take care of your mild concussion okay!! i is fucking scared and worried now after what jenny told me abt her friend's incident. bla. really shld have insisted on doing the thorough check up yesterday! baby ah baby!! pls stop having incidents and injuries anymore. sigh. now i cant even wait for nxt tues to come so that u can do ur thorough check up!
cant wait to see you tomorrow babe! happy advanced 13monthsary to us! heh. oh well, although it sucks that u cant come out on sat! boohoo. :( and i shall be stuck at home doing my final report for attachment. sucks to be me!!
haven been updating for awhile cos i'm simply too lazy. anyway got posted to somewhere that i'm quite happy about.
AND. celebrated 1st year anni with the gf. hehehe. she made a real nice present which i'm proudly putting on display in my room and she's demanding me to blog it. so here's the post. and i tink the present i made certainly pales in comparision.
btw i tink 11th april 2009 is quite a sucky day. first it rained during our matches, den we lost all our matches, the paddle that i borrowed broke, i fell sick during that day AND I SPLATTERED SAUCE ON MY WHITE TEE. WTFFFFFF. hahha. enuff of that. shall update more soon. cheers.
M-U-S-T K-E-E-P B-A-L-L-S O-U-T..argh.