cny's over. seems that as the years go by, i feel lesser anticipation for it. however, the fun never ends when i go to our frens' and relatives' houses. the gamblings and the losses..-.- haha.
life's been boring. will be graduating soon. been playing games and gymming and sleeping at home. ahaha. its time to look for a job already. SO.......anyone that has job lobang PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE intro me!!!!! (:
tmr going for friendly at ntu..going to be playing when we din had for 3 weeks. 3 BLARDY WEEKS!! omg. how are we gonna play? oh zai. ((:
anyway here's a pic taken at lee's bdae party. i tink its REALLI well-taken. haha.

that's all for now. will update at a more regular basis. and please. INTRO ME JOBS! =D