Sunday, July 29, 2007 @ ♥
Had my birthday in the mid of the week. got dumped into the dustbin and smeared all over with soap..rawr. received tons of bdae msges..thank u all.
got a present too. liked it alot. thank YOU! <3

had my napfa on my bdae itself. what an untimely time la. anyway..still i got GOLD. hahaha. 28pts. how cool is that. nothing much to say le.

eh. Simpsons Movie is damm funny and crappy. hah.
Monday, July 23, 2007 @ ncc`
NCC's over. so blardy disappointed. everyone din do well except for jh who managed to get into semis.
my results`
k2-250m heats : 4th...missed qualifying for semis by 1.3 secs. if only we had made the final burst.
k4-500m heats : 4th..din do tat well..could have made a final burst too..argh
The results just goes to show how far we are from national standards. i can only hope that we receive this wake-up call and train realli hard. the other schools are improving by so much while we are stagnant..its realli time to train properly for the next competition Pol-ITE sprint.
Meanwhile..for me..its back to canoe polo. Nat champs coming at end of Aug. Can't let my team down since they voted me to play.
will continue to train hard. continue to fight hard. continue to row.

Friday, July 20, 2007 @
Monday, July 16, 2007 @ boring life
hmm, u asked, "hows life?"
i's boring without u. never did a day pass by when i din think of u. sometimes spending days without a chance to talk to u just plain sucks. hence, i treasure every moment i spent with u. these are my thoughts. ((:
Saturday, July 14, 2007 @ BORING.
hmm. boring week tis week. intense gym sessions for the upcoming NCC. hope to produce results. rawr. damm excited and anticipating it. wonder what will happen. anyway coach say will let us try out k4. hohoho. maybe we are all talented and can just row the k4 right from the start with no probs. bwahahah. that will be damm cool please.
hope that the last 2 water slots would be effective..sunday gonna go row at mac reservoir. wonder what it will be like..trying out k4 on sunday too.
anyway..was working just now..and pple asked if i'm from myanmar lar. wtf. seriously i'm sgrean please..but still he said i was
good-looking. HAHA. okay. maybe i'm just too full of myself but who cares~
/hope my strokes would be fine.
/hope my boat would be gliding like never before.
/hope that we would achieve something in NCC.
/hope NP will put up a tough fight.
*the prospective k4 rowers*

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 @ 宠上天 演唱:五月天
你爱看鬼片 又怕看鬼片
又要我陪 坐在你身边
很想告诉你 我比你还怕鬼
我无时无刻 都无怨无悔
让你无忧又无虑 每一天
你一个口令 我一个动作
绝不拖延 你一个皱眉
我三条黑线 整个高度警戒
我无时无刻 都无怨无悔
让你无法又无天 的撒野
是我的 朋友 就是
我的BABY 就算你
打我 踢我 也都OK
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
天堂 整个 搬到你身边
是一座堡垒 是一种哲学
我们之间 是一股热血
是一句干杯 也是一种永远
我无时无刻 都无怨无悔
让爱无穷又无尽 万万岁
是我的 朋友 就是
我的BABY 就算你
打我 踢我 也都OK
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
天堂 整个 搬到你身边
是我的 朋友 就是 我的BABY
就算你 打我 踢我 也都OK
就是要宠你 宠你 宠上了天
让谁都羡慕 都赞美 让都傻眼
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 @ thoughts.
Nobody wanna see us togetherBut it don't matter no
'Cause I got you babe
Seems like everybody wanna go for selfAnd don't wanna respect boundariesTellin' you all those liesJust to get on your sideBut I must admit there was a couple secretsI held insideBut just know that I triedTo always apologizeAnd I'ma have you first always in my heartTo keep you satisfiedJust so you know This feeling's taking control of me And I can't help it I won't sit around, I can't let him win now Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you But I don't want to I just gotta say it all Before I go Just so you know..
And I'd give up forever to touch you Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life Cause sooner or later it's over I just don't want to miss you tonight
i dun feel appreciated.
Sunday, July 08, 2007 @
hmmm. went for sprint training today..raced with nyjc. they are not bad. hmm..means that we gotta improve more then. coach said i deproved..argh. den like that have to train harder already..ncc's on 21st july..which is SOON.
and polo nat champs' at end of august..busy busy.
for school...2 presentations are coming..hope i dun screw them up..and i found out napfa's on my bdae. tamade. now i just wish i can get a gold as my birthday present. if i can get thru standing broad jump..the rest shld be a snap.
watched die hard 4.0. packed full of action..quite cool actually but i still think transformers much cooler..maybe due to the transforming robots. haha.
nothing much to say..hope life will keep on improving for me. =)
Thursday, July 05, 2007 @ of backstabbers and egoistic faggots.
screw backstabbers and ego pple. so what if u're successful in something or good-looking or whatever shit. does that mean u all get to judge on other pple's appearance? do u all even have a sense of conscience? if u all realli tink u're farking good-looking and can comment on others..come tell me straight in the face. what for trying to psycho someone by saying things negatively about me? seriously..tink about it. that only reflects on u urself and ur character. who are u to judge what pple are? backstabbing shitheads. it only tells me what kind of person u looks are important to u all huh..tell me about it. i would realli like to see who u are and what type of person u if u say things straight in my face instead of just dropping comments u know? faggots. bring them on. i'm ready.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 @
you don't know me, you don't even care..
i thought i was different but it seems that i'm not.
wishful thinking?
Monday, July 02, 2007 @ change
having straightened my thoughts..and not my hair.. =)
and decided to change for the better.
too many times have i cost myself losses and regret...too many times i have took the wrong steps.
now i'm just gonna look at the bright side of things; change myself for the better and be brimming FULL of
Confidence. ha. take tat.
and of cos change other aspects too la. DUH.
Sunday, July 01, 2007 @ life-
here i am..talking about life once again.
life is just full of ups and downs..of which in my case, the downs seem to be much more den the ups. =(
i just have full of questions but i just can't ask them.
not good enough, not perfect enough, not skillful enough.
seems like i have to fight for my place once again. things just seem so hard.
i find every part of me screaming out loud but the sounds are just trapped within.
i hate waiting.
feeling so lousy, feeling useless, feeling low in confidence, feeling